Sunday, March 11, 2012

Challenge #86-Colours from Lesley

Hello and welcome to the Paper Players! Lesley here!  Did you Spring ahead? This week I am excited to host our Colour Challenge for the month!  I decided to choose a Springy palette and I hope it gets you in the mood to create a special card for Easter, for Mom or any Spring theme!  

The Paper Players have created some amazing cards to inspire you!!!  I hope you have the chance to join us this week, we love to see what you create!

  1. Please use only THREE challenges TOTAL.
  2. Please use a direct link to the post you would like us to visit.
  3. Please link back to our challenge.
  4. Create a NEW project.
  5. All product welcome!
Be sure to post your project to the linky by Friday, March 16th at NOON (PST).

We look forward to visiting your blog!

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  1. Hi Girls~ Fabulous samples -- realized I didn't have Pool Party so I substituted-- hope that's okay :)

  2. I love these colors; this is my first time playing along so hope I've uploaded correctly~

  3. Thanks for another fun challenge! Gorgeous samples from the DT!

  4. Thanks for the great challenge. It was real fun using this color combination. And thanks for the great inspiration of the DT.

  5. Always fun with the Paper Players. xo, Marian

  6. Love this color combo! Thanks, ladies-

  7. Thanks for a gorgeous color scheme--and the DT creations are fabulously inspirational! LOVE them! :)

  8. This color combo speaks Spring loudly and don't we all want that! Thank you for the inspiring color palette.


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